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Exposition : Metal, Iron and Steel. The Cultural History of Iron


Metal, Iron and Steel: The Cultural History of Iron
쇠, 철, 강 – 철의 문화사

Musée national de Corée (NMK), Séoul

Jusqu’au 26 novembre 2017

The National Museum of Korea presents the exhibition Metal, Iron and Steel : The Cultural History of Iron whose purposes are to ascertain the role and value of iron in human history and shed light on the development of iron in this country’s history. The exhibition displays 735 pieces in 429 categories that show the iron culture of Korea, China and Japan in East Asia and West Asia.


International Symposium: The Trend of Iron Manufacturing Technology in Northeastern Asia (동북아시아에서 나타난 제철기술 흐름)

Date: Saturday, October 21, 2017, 10:00~18:00

Place: Auditorium, National Museum of Korea

Organizer: Jungwon National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage (국립중원문화재연구소)

Special partner: National Museum of Korea


Academic Seminar: Recent Research Trend in Northeast Asia’s Iron Culture (동북아시아 철기문화 연구의 최신 동향)

Date: Friday, October 13, 2017, 14:00~18:00

Place: Classroom 1, National Museum of Korea

Organizer: The Society of Iron Culture (한국철문화연구회), National Museum of Korea


Source : NMK.

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