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Symposium: Colonialism and Korean Archaeology, 22-23 avril 2016



1) Conférence inaugurale du symposium “The Research on Ancient History in Colonial Korea under Japanese Rule. Archaeology, History and Heritage Policies in East Asian Modern History”

“Overcoming the Colonialism and the Research upon Ancient Korea”

Par YI Sŏngshi (univ. Waseda). Modérateur : Arnaud NANTA (UMIFRE 19 – MFJ)

Vendredi 22 avril 2016, 18h00-19h30

Maison Franco-Japonaise, Auditorium

2) Symposium: “The Research on Ancient History in Colonial Korea under Japanese Rule. Archaeology, History and Heritage Policies in East Asian Modern History”

Samedi 23 avril 2016, 10h00-18h00

Waseda University, Ōkuma Memorial Tower (building 26) Basement Hall

Studying the ancient past of the Korean peninsula became a central objective in the studies and surveys conducted by the Japanese colonial administration in Korea from the protectorate era (1905-1910) through to the end of colonial rule. These academic investigations were also part of the colonial government’s political agenda to control Korea. It established the Commission for the Investigation of Korean Antiquities (1915), which aimed to investigate and protect the past, and the Commission for the Compilation of Korean History (created in 1922 and renamed a Society in 1925) in order to write the history of the peninsula up to the period of Japanese rule. These projects occupied a critical position among the tasks conducted by Imperial Japan.

This international conference will explore Japanese academic practices towards Ancient Korea (history, archaeology, heritage protection policies), while also considering the precedent established by French archaeological practices in colonial Cambodia and the case of continental China. The aim will be to analyze the relationship between archaeology, history, and the “politics of the past” as practiced in colonial situations during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Ultimately, in terms of “reconstructing” the past, the case of French Indochina and the EFEO (French School of Asian Studies, founded in 1900) established an important precedent; in the same manner, Korean colonial archaeology became a model for the archaeology conducted in China during the interwar period, as well as for North and South Korean archaeologies and for post-1945 Japanese archaeological and historical research.


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